Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sudden Life Shifts

Life is an odd thing with no warning of when it may shift beneath your feet and take you in a  direction you never expected. I was in Denver visiting with my sister and family this past spring. So while there I  contacted the Office of Tourism to see if they could assist me with contacts for potential stories. They did, and while the places I went to review were all interesting, it was the stories of the people behind them that was more so. 

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! To be more accurate, 43 African Lions, 14 Mountain Lions, 70 Tigers, 87 Bears, 28 Wolves, as well as many other species; all of them carnivorous -- with the exception of a single porcupine and a camel: a total of 290 animals. 

My first stop was to an Animal Sanctuary that was founded by a 19-year boy simply because he wanted to rescue one big cat that he witnessed being abused in a zoo. It led to a life-long pursuit and he has created what has become the largest carnivorous animal sanctuary in the country. Read about A Mile Into The Wild

Aside from various clubs, a stop in Black Hawk, and other sightseeing, I also was invited to a private tour of the Molly Brown House Museum. Everything I thought I needed to know about Molly I saw in the 1997 film.  But no.  She was actually a compelling character and fascinating woman, making the stop A Hidden Treasure in Denver.

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